Psalm 24:3-5
3Who may ascend the hill of Yahweh?
Who may stand in His holy place?
4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not lift up his soul to an idol
Nor swear deceitfully.
5He will receive blessing from Yahweh and vindication from the God of his salvation.
Our journey begins today. We are gathered together of One Accord because we are in of the heart of the Father. Friend, our pursuit must begin in a low place, at His very feet. We stand before a mountain. Our hearts set ablaze by the Presence of the All Consuming Fire. We are expectant for what the Father will do over the next 40 days. We are on the precipice of a great shift. A shaking is coming that will test us to our very core. And so we come together in fasting and prayer for a divine purpose, to glorify God by allowing ourselves to become… Prepared Vessels. As we embark on this journey, let us remember that we empty ourselves for a great reason. The purpose of this "painful emptying" is to be filled with a "joyful overflowing" of all the fullness of God. Remember, the best wine is saved for last. A great outpouring is coming for those who live "crucified lives" walking in obedience to the Father. And today, we set our faces like flint to pursue all the Father has for us. The great Pastor, Theologian and Prophet Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said, "When Christ calls a man he bids him come and die." Today, we come to God as those who have died to our fleshly desires that we might live our lives unto God.You are being invited into the Fellowship of the Burning Hearts. Come and see what the Father has prepared for you. The Father declares, "Divine anticipation and excitement is yours today."
Father, we seek you and you alone. Give us hope and great expectation for what you will do over the next 40 days and beyond. Prophetically, we sit at your feet. Teach us your ways. You are the King of Glory and we will follow you wherever you go. Sustain us through the days to come by allowing us to feed upon your Living Word. We love you and agree with your heart. Prepare us to be your vessels through which your new wine can pour out in the Tribulation which is soon to come. We are yours. Help us to ascend your mountain, by the blood of the cross which works powerfully within us. Unto Zion we go!?
My child, I receive your desire to seek me as an act of worship before me. I know your hearts intent and that is to know me as I truly am. Let yourself find your total satisfaction in me and me alone. I am looking for those worshipers who will worship me in Spirit and Truth. You are living in a divinely appointed time. And that is the time of my Second Coming. Through this journey, let my Spirit prepare the way for my arrival. I am coming to live and reign in human hearts. And I have chosen your heart to be my "dwelling place." I know you feel a sense of uncertainty and fear as you think about the next 40 days. But lay down these cares and burdens at my feet. I promise to sustain you. Remember, it is my glory to hide a thing, and the glory of kings is to search it out. (Proverbs 25:2) I have great mysteries and revelations to reveal in the days to come. So let us journey together as we ascend the mountain. In this time you will learn not to do things "for me", but to do things "with me." Unto Zion we go!
Let this song inspire you to "go forth" into the "unknown land" the Father has called you into. Today as you sing, become an Abraham or a Sarah and realize that as you walk by faith and not by sight, the Father will do wonders in your midst!